My Result for the First Shopping sprea as a noob:
Female Result:
I have to say i look really hot like this! And have gotten many hits by the guys too.. xD
Male Result:
I have to say it doesn't look too bad.. but still could've been better..
SHAPE: MWJShapes - Shape Lion 0$L
Okay Okay!!
Males have soooo much harder finding stuff that's good.. even if they have to pay for it..
So here is an option.. Virtual Spain!!
Click ->HERE<-
Look at all of the full avatar sets for FREE, for male avatars.. there is also for females.. but we dun need to promote that cause they have so much anyways.. Right guys ;P
Just saying WTF is up with SLs creators.. there is tons of shoes and clothes for females.. but trying to find decent free clothes for men... It's almost impossible!! I gave up on getting hair.. but hey.. Bald can be attractive too ;P
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